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Helpful Online Special Education Information/ Tools


Hola! Below you will find helpful webpages, blogs and guides. If you don't see your favorite please let us know!


Washington Specific





Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction~Office of Special Education

The Office of Special Education provides information on a variety of issues relating to special education, including related federal and state laws. Its website has information about the main special education dispute resolution procedures: mediation, citizen complaints, and due process hearings. This website also contains state special education datacitizen complaint and due process decisions, and special education publications. 

Informing Families Building Trust


Informing Families is a resource provided by the Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council, in collaboration with the Developmental Disabilities Administration and other partners throughout the state. They offer trusted news and information to individuals and families that empowers them to be active participants in planning and building a network of support and opportunities. They have a lot of great information like this IEP Tips for Parents Guide.



Washington Law Help


Washington Law Help is a free webpage that offers a variety of guides to Washington State Legal issues. Provides a substantive Special Education resource list.

The Arc of Washington State

The Arc has a variety of resources for families navigating the Special Education process like this Special Education What to Expect, How to Prepare - A basic primer for families in Washington State


Learning Disabilities Association of Washington

The Learning Disabilities Association of Washington promotes and provides services and support to maximize the quality of life for individuals and families affected by learning and attentional disabilities.


The Washington Education Association Special Education Support Center


Provides training to all educators (including administrators and pre-service teachers), as well as to parents and service organizations. They collaborate with numerous organizations to assure that educators and the families they serve have a clear understanding of state and federal rules and best practices related to students with disabilities. The site has a lot of great resources for parents like the Guide to Special Education located at, click on Support for Families, then click on "Download the Special Ed Guide" on the lower right hand side.

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)


DO-IT’s goals are to increase the success of people with disabilities in challenging academic programs and careers. DO-IT mentors youth with disabilities and promotes the use of technology to maximize the independence, productivity, and participation of people with disabilities. The DO-IT website has information and resources regarding disabilities, accommodations, and universal design.

Learning Disabilities Association of Washington


The Learning Disabilities Association of Washington promotes and provides services and support to maximize the quality of life for individuals and families affected by learning and attentional disabilities.


Washington Autism Alliance & Advocacy’s ABC’s of IEP’s


A statewide non-profit providing support for families who loved ones have mental and developmental disabilities. The IEP/504 section of the webpage has a lot of great tips like this Easy to read guide to IEP’s

Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP)

WATAP offers information and referral to family members, employers, employment service providers, educators, health care providers, social service providers, and others seeking assistive technology services and knowledge. WATAP is part of the University of Washington Center for Technology & Disability Studies. It provides assistive technology resources and expertise to help people make decisions and obtain the technology and related services needed for work, education, and independent living.

Non-Washington Specific



Understood has many free resources for parents and students with attention and learning issues. Like this guide to Partnering with Your Child’s School.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs’ Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) website has a lot of information about the IDEA and its implementing regulations. Resources are organized by topic and many are in an easy to read question and answer format.

Department of Education IDEA website:


This website provides legal information about special education and advocacy tips for children with disabilities. The site also provides links to multiple special education resources as well as information about upcoming special education trainings and conferences. Site visitors can subscribe to a free online newsletter. The site is packed full of great information like Paper Trails, Letter Writing & Documentation

A couple of our Favorite Blogs


A Day in Our Shoes

This blog is written by a Mom and includes easy to follow tips for parents navigating the special education system. Like this Understanding ESY for parents: FAQ, criteria, program options and more guide.

A Bender Bunch

A free resource webpage/blog site created by a Special Education Resource teacher. The page has a lot of helpful guides Like this helpful Top Ten IEP Goal Banks post.

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