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Edmond's Special Education 

District Programs and Resources


The Edmonds School District encompasses the cities of Edmonds, Lynnwood, Brier, Mountlake Terrace, Woodway and parts of unincorperated Snohomish County. 

Special Education Students make up approximetly %15 of the districts population.


Edmonds School District strives to, whenever appropriate, place Special Education students at their homeschools. If the homeschool is not the Least Restrictive Enviornment (LRE) appropriate for the student they may be placed in a neighboring school and provided transportation. 



Deaf and Hard of Hearing~DHH

Program Director: Alicia Carter 


Phone: 425 431-7207


Available at: Edmonds Woodway High School & Madrona 

A regional program that provides access to quality education to students who use sign language from ages 3-21. We are currently serving 60 students from 18 different school districts north, east and west of Seattle, Washington.  Services provided include: 

  • a comprehensive and effective educational environment;

  • a critical mass of Deaf peers in each classroom that provides social, emotional and academic advantages to the students;

  • small group and 1:1 support in a variety of settings such as self-contained classrooms, team teaching (teacher of deaf with general education teacher), blended classes (teacher of the deaf teaches deaf and hearing students together), and general education classes with interpreter support; direct specialized instruction to enhance independence, academic, communication and social skills; 

  • direct and indirect American Sign Language instruction; 

  • opportunities to develop pride in their Deaf culture as a part of the Deaf community and feel comfortable working and socializing with their hearing peers; parent support and education; 

  • consultation with other schools and neighboring districts regarding students with hearing loss; 

  • interpreter services for students in general education classes, District offered before and after school or weekend activities, and Special Olympics; 

  • and interpreter services for deaf staff and community members at district activities. 

Visually Impared

Program Director: Alicia Carter 


Phone: 425 431-7207

Available at: Maplewood K-8 & Maplewood Middle 

This program serves students preschool through high school.  Students must have a vision impairment supported by a medical diagnosis with accompanying reduced visual acuity.  Edmonds School District has two Teachers of the Visually Impaired, an Orientation and Mobility Specialist, and four certified Braillists to serve qualifying students. 

A team of skilled professionals design and provide the individualized program for the student.  Parents, a general education teacher, a vision teacher, and other relevant specialists are part of the educational team.  Services focus on instruction in compensatory skills to accommodate the visual impairment.  These may include: sensory efficiency, Braille, adapted academic instruction, assistive technology, low vision aids, or orientation and mobility.  Large print, auditory, and Braille materials are available to students per their individual need.  Planning for post high school transition is provided.  Collaboration with community resources for the visually impaired are utilized to develop a full, well-rounded program for these students.

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Child Find

For more information about Early Childhood Services:
Phone: 425-431-7596
Email: Dennis Burkhardt

Child Find for children 3~5 conducted at Alderwood Early Childhood Center. Child Find for students 5 and above can be conducted at each school within the Edmonds School District

Parents should contact Child Find if they:

  • have questions about whether their child has a disability

  • are concerned about their infant, toddler, or preschooler's development

  • know their child has a disability and are looking for appropriate educational services

  • would like to know how to help their school age child succeed in school

What is Child Find?

The process of locating and evaluating children with disabilities is referred to as "Child Find." The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires all school districts to locate, evaluate and provide services for individuals birth to 21, who may have a disability.

Evaluations for infants and toddlers
Edmonds School District offers free of cost evaluations for infants and toddlers, birth through age three. This evaluation will help you to determine if your child is following a typical pattern of development. 

Evaluations for three to five year olds
Developmental evaluations are provided by the Edmonds School District for children, between the ages of three and five, to identify possible delays in language, motor, cognitive or social-emotional development. If you have questions or concerns about your preschooler's development, or to refer a child for evaluation....


School Age Children

Edmonds School District identifies children five through 21 who may have a suspected disability. A parent, staff member, or outside person may refer a student at their local school by contacting the school psychologist.

Alderwood Early Childhood Center

Children 3-5

Program Manager: Dennis Burkhardt


Phone: 425-431-7596


The primary focus of AECC is to provide educational services for children with developmental delays and/or disabilities.  There is also one Snohomish County Head Start preschool classroom and one classroom for the Edmonds Community College Co-op Preschool located on the campus.   There are approximately 325 preschool children who attend AECC.  


Developmental Preschool classrooms provide learning experiences for all ability levels. Classroom teams focus on social/emotional development, communication, problem solving, pre-academic concepts and physical development. Educational therapy and consultative services are provided by Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists. Educational support is also offered to children with disabilities in community preschools and child care programs.

Health Services for Special Education

Program Director: Mara Marano-Bianco

Phone: (425) 431-7174


Available at each school.

Our Certificated School Nurses provide health and medical consultation for all students as well as participate in the building of child study/multi-disciplinary teams when appropriate. 

School Nurses spend their days:


· Coordinating information related to medical and health concerns.

· Developing a plan for students.

· Facilitating medical procedures for students.

· Managing cases for medically involved students.

· Contributing a nursing assessment as a part of the Special Education evaluation process. 

They can also refer students to health care practitioners, coordinate referrals for medical insurance and be available to do home visits, when appropriate.

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Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy

Program Director: Tim Garberich 

Phone: 425-431-7184

Available at each school.

The Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy (OT/PT) Department provides services to students aged 3 through 21. 


The department serves both OT/PT only students as well as students with OT/PT needs in addition to other services. The staff:


  • Evaluate and assesses the educational implications of movement dysfunction, muscle tone/strength, postural alignment/responses, sensory-motor dysfunction, range of motion, balance, coordination, dexterity, respiratory function and reflex integration.

  • Evaluate and assesses orthotic, prosthetic, and adaptive equipment needs; modifies or creates adaptive equipment, splints and furniture.

  • Provide direct small-group or 1:1 therapy either in-class or pull-out at school of attendance or in an OT/PT treatment room.

  • Consult with staff, medical personnel and parents regarding educational programming, equipment adaptations, environmental modifications and disability information.

Speech, Language, and Hearing

Program Director: Dennis Burkhardt

Phone: 425-431-7596



The Speech and Language Department serves Communication Disordered only students (ages 3-21) plus students (ages 3–21) who receive language services in addition to other services. Services are provided to students in any of the following ways: 1:1, small group, in-class support, consultation with staff and families, and a team approach with OT/PT and teacher.

Hearing-Impaired Itinerant Services are provided to hearing-impaired students aged 3-21 as well as students aged 3-21 who receive these services in addition to other services. Students are placed in regular classes with the therapist traveling to the site. Therapists check equipment, assist students with monitoring their own equipment, and provide 1:1 therapy support (e.g., language, question asking).


Maplewood Center/Maplewood School

Program Director: Alicia Carter 


Phone: 425 431-7207

Maplewood Center is a special education program that serves severely disabled students from 5 to 21 years of age.  The purpose of the program is to maximize the potential of our students so they may participate in general school activities, daily living, supported employment, community settings, home, recreation and leisure activities. Many of the students have significant physical disabilities, some use wheelchairs, and most have difficulty communicating.  A safe and enriched learning environment is provided for the students with the curriculum emphasizing functional academics, communication, self-management, home living, social skills, and vocational skills.

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Ages~birth to 21
Ages 3~5
Ages 3~21

Birth to Three

Program Manager: Dennis Burkhardt

Phone: 425-431-7596


The Early Intervention Program develops individualized plans for children ages birth to three years old who have developmental delays and medical conditions, and provides support to families to enhance each child's development.


Services are provided to students aged birth to two with developmental disabilities including deficits in language, cognition, speech, and motor skills. Many of the students are also medically fragile. Services can include a combination of in-class instruction, home visits, and therapy with an emphasis placed on parent participation. 

Early Childhood

Program Manager: Dennis Burkhardt
Phone: 425-431-7596


This program serves students aged 3-6 at the Alderwood Early Childhood Center as well as in the Edmonds Community College Cooperative Preschool, Head Start, and Parks & Recreation Preschool sites. Students have developmental disabilities with deficits in language, cognition, speech, motor skills, and some students are extremely medically fragile. Services include: 

  • self-contained classes, 

  • preschool classes that integrate non-disabled with disabled, and 

  • team collaboration among the SLP, OT/PT, and classroom teacher. 



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Ages~Birth to Three
Ages 3-6

Developmental Kindergarten

Program Director: Tim Garberich

Phone: 425-431-7184

Available at Chase Lake Elementary,  Hilltop Elementary, Edmonds Elementary, Cedar Valley Community School

The Developmental Kindergarten program serves students with development disabilities including deficits in language, cognition, social/emotional, speech, and/or motor skills. Many are also medically fragile. 

Students are taught in a self-contained class with opportunities to integrate with general-education kindergarten students during recess, PE, music, and other subjects as appropriate. There is an emphasis on a team approach involving the teacher, SLP, and OT/PT.


Elementary Self Contained Classrooms

Intensive Learning Support

Program Director: Tim Garberich

Phone: 425-431-7184

The Elementary Intensive Support program serves students across the district who have moderate to severe academic delays.

Intensive Support staff provides "specialized instruction" in the areas of social skills, behavior management, and core academic skills in small-group settings. The Intensive Support teachers also:

  • Consult with building teams regarding student behavioral management plans, instructional interventions, and ways to support inclusion in general classroom settings.

  • Provide parent support and education.

  • Offer liaison with mental health, medical and other community agencies.


Primary Programs typically serve students 1st~3rd and Intermediate programs typically serve students 4~6. These programs are avalaible at:

Primary Intensive Support: K-3rd Beverly, Brier, Cedar Way, Chase Lake , Hazelwood, Lynnwood, Maplewood, Medowdale, Mountlake Terrace, Seaview, Sherwood.

Intermediate Intensive Support: 3rd~6th  Beverly, Brier, Chase Lake,  Hazlewood, Lynnwood, Medowdale, Mountlake Terrace, Seaview, Sherwood.




Elementary Intensive Social Emotional Support (ISES)

Program Director-Joy Lohones 


Phone: (425) 431-2121

Elementary Intensive Social Emotional Support (ISES) classes are small center-based classes for students with emotional/behavioral disabilities. These students can have difficulty self-managing behavior, developing interpersonal relationships, and exhibiting appropriate responses to normal situations. These students can also exhibit learning problems as well. The program focuses on providing support in these areas within a small group setting. Students are included in the general education environment as appropriate.

Primary Intensive Social Emotional Support: Cedar Way, Westgate 

Intermediate Intensive Social Emotional Support: Cedar Way, Lynndale. 

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Elementary K-6th Grade 

Secondary Learning Support

Program Director:  Jan Beglau

Phone: 425-431-7187



Avalaible at:


K~8 Schools: Madrona K-8, Maplewood Parent Coperative 


Middle Schools: Alderwood Middle School, Brier Terrace Middle School, College Place Middle School, Medowdale Middle School, 


High Schools: Edmonds Woodway High School, Lynnwood High School, Meadowdale High School, Mountlake Terrace High School, Scriber Lake High School. 


The Secondary Learning Support program serves middle and high school Special Education students across 5 high schools, 4 middle schools and 2 K-8 schools. The staff provides small group or 1:1 "specially designed instruction" to students in general classrooms or pull-out settings with emphasis on basic academics, study skills, and/or behavior management. 


Staff design and monitor specially targeted instruction to meet student needs. They also consult with regular classroom teachers and IEP teams regarding curricular adaptations, test modifications, learning styles, and means of assisting students within general education settings. 


In addition to Special Education, the Learning Support program provides LAP (Learning Assistance Program) services through the 9th grade to increase the academic achievement of at-risk students and assist them in meeting the State’s standards.



Secondary Intensive Learning Support

Program Director:  Jan Beglau

Phone: 425-431-7187



Available at: Brier Terrace Middle School


Intensive Learning Support (ILS) classes are small self-contained classes for students with emotional/behavioral disabilities. These students can have difficulty self-managing behavior, developing interpersonal relationships, and exhibiting appropriate responses to normal situations. These students can also exhibit learning problems as well. The program focuses on providing support in these areas within a small group setting. Students are included in the general education environment as appropriate.

Life Skills

Program Director-Joy Lohones 


Phone: (425) 431-2121


Avaliable at:  Edmonds Woodway High School, Lynnwood High School, Scriber Lake High School


The Lifeskills Program serves students at the secondary level who have mild to moderate developmental disabilities. These students have significant delays in cognition. 


The program provides an alternative curriculum that focuses on functional academics, community independence and vocational skills. Instruction is provided through classroom activities, community field experiences, and work experiences. 


Classes are self-contained, but students do have opportunities to register for Learning Support or general education classes when appropriate for academic or elective instruction.

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V.O.I.C.E & Work Adjustment

Program Manager, Ben Hammond 

Phone: (425) 431-6255

Available at: Scriber Lake High School

The Work Adjustment and Assessment Program (WAAP) provides vocational assessment and work experience opportunities to students in 9th grade and above. Students receive individualized vocational evaluations that provide information for educational, vocational, and transition planning. Students are evaluated and observed by using hands-on tasks that assess attention, coordination, ability to follow verbal and written directions, response to supervision, and learning style. Students are then trained in work-related skills to prepare them for successful job placements in the community. Students experience real employment conditions where they can improve or learn positive work-related attitudes, skills, and behaviors.

When students have completed four years of high school, they are eligible to participate in the V.O.I.C.E. Program (Vocational Opportunities In Community Experiences). This program is designed for students in the Lifeskills Program who are 18-21 years of age and provides comprehensive instruction and vocational experiences to prepare students for adult life. Curriculum focuses on vocational training at community work experience sites, use of public transportation, self-advocacy, use of community recreation facilities, personal life management, and post-secondary educational opportunities. Students also receive assistance in career exploration, job search, job applications, and interviewing skills.

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Vocational Programs 18~21
Ages 5~21
Secondary Grades 7-12th
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